30 Hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training


Just bring along a Fluffy Pillow a Cosy Blanket and your transformational sleep begins

The art of relaxation and visualisation

Yoga Nidra: history and origin

Yoga Nidra in Tantra

The science, brain and anatomy of Yoga Nidra

The four brain states: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta

Sleeps, dreams and yoga Nidra

Neurological, Physiological, Mental, spiritual and health benefits of Yoga Nidra

Different levels of Yoga Nidra

Therapeutic applications

Yoga Nidra as meditation

How to Practice and teach Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra for children

Relevance of Yoga Nidra in modern life

Yoga Nidra and Hypnosis


3 Days in Person, 20 Hours Contracted, 10 Hours Non Contracted $195 USD

Yoga Nidra helps in achieving the deepest state of sleep where the brain produces waves named theta (4-7 hertz) and delta (1-3 hertz). During the controlled sleep, you remain conscious throughout. Delta waves are the slowest waves at 1-4 cycles per second and are encountered in a dreamless sleep. Achieving this state of sleep greatly benefits the overall wellbeing.

You will be able to view life from an entirely fresh perspective. You will be able to shape your mind in the desired way and also feel quite at ease. The practice of yoga Nidra can resolve depression as well as anxiety.

With the regular practice of yoga Nidra, you will see a sea of difference in how you sleep.

This technique helps your mind become sharper, which will enable you to grasp information faster.

Helps improve memory and concentration.

Plant the seed of future growth.

Detach from your thoughts.

Health problems can also get cured when you do yoga Nidra on a consistent basis. Some of these health issues include asthma, digestive issues, ulcers, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, etc.

Incorporating this into your daily schedule is also said to have a positive impact on your heart health.

If you are sick and tired of feeling stressed all the time then, yoga Nidra could be a great solution.

It can awaken the psyche. So, if you are looking for spiritual contentment, then beginning with yoga Nidra would be the best bet.

Yoga Nidra will help you have control over your mind, you will be able to direct your thoughts or channelize your mind as a whole. By placing something in your subconscious mind while engaging in yoga Nidra and concentrating on it will allow you to change your personality in the desired way.

30 Hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

3 Days in Person, 20 Hours Contracted, 10 Hours Non Contracted

$195 USD

Booking Required



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