7 Days Luxury Ashtanga Yoga Retreat

Price: 899$

Date: 14th October - 20th October

The World Around Water

One of its kind experiences in Nepal. Feel the mother nature with aquatic connection for your stay, In the countryside where lifestyle is still in harmony with nature and culture, Explore and return to the roots of your true being through a beautiful landscape getaway. Feed your body through playful Ashtanga Yoga practices and nourish your soul with the 5 elements; fire (sun), earth (stability), water (sea), wind (knowledge), ether (space).

This perfectly balanced yoga retreat in Nepal will dive deeper into the practice of the traditional Ashtanga yoga Led Mysore style primary series a dynamic sequence of postures practiced with focused breathing techniques, designed specifically to align the body and strengthen the nervous system, while cultivating a feeling of inner peace and leading to a natural state of meditation together with Ashtanga Vinyasa a physically demanding style of yoga where students follow a set sequence of postures each time, gradually progressing through the series. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga emphasises the linking of movement and breath (vinyasa), Ujjayi breathing and bandhas (energy locks) under the guidance of Suman Thapa who has gained his knowledge from SYC Mysore and Shrikantha Srinivasu. An experienced and empathetic teacher, whose passion is to expand his knowledge and wisdom to the world. Shrikantha Srinivasu is authorised by Sharath Jois guruji and teaches at Sharath Yoga Centre Mysore.https://sharathyogacentre.com/shrikantha-srinivasu/

Your day starts with the practice of the sun salutation A & B followed by primary series, In the afternoon we go through posture clinic with adjustments and alignments so that you can perform asanas with ease. Ashtanga foundations will be covered throughout the week.

We practice relaxing long held ground postures and learn to embrace the present moment and be in peace with ourselves. Plenty of time for relaxing and observing natures pristine beauty.

Every day you will be treated to delicious organic vegetarian meals and in the evening you can ley your head down in the Pond Rooms. The name itself defines unique experience assured in our specially designed island rooms. A luxury stay plus the experience of living amidst water.

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Parampara is knowledge that is passed in succession from teacher to student. It is a Sanskrit word that denotes the principle of transmitting knowledge in its most valuable form; knowledge based on direct and practical experience. It is the basis of any lineage: the teacher and student form the links in the chain of instruction that has been passed down for thousands of years. In order for yoga instruction to be effective, true and complete, it should come from within parampara

Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient system of Yoga that was taught by Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta. This text was imparted to Sri T. Krishnamacharya in the early 1900′s by his Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari, and was later passed down to Pattabhi Jois during the duration of his studies with Krishnamacharya, beginning in 1927.

A dynamic and physically challenging practice consisting of six series of postures (asanas) to be learnt and followed in sequential order.

The first, Primary Series, (‘Yoga Chikitsa’, or ‘yoga therapy’) realigns, detoxifies, and stabilizes the body, purifying muscles and organs, and building strength, stamina and flexibility.

The second, Intermediate Series (‘nadi shodana’ or ‘nerve cleansing’) works on the subtle body, purifying and strengthening the nervous system.

The remaining four or Advanced Series (‘Sthira Bhaga’ or ‘divine stability’) require even deeper levels of strength, concentration and humility.

Whichever series you are practising, you will always start with the same set of ‘sun salutations’(surya namaskar) and end with the same sequence of finishing postures.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Series

The Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga series, when practised correctly and with discipline, has been shown to help build strength, improve flexibility, relieve stress and create a general state of calmness, wellbeing and ease.

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a moving meditation – a system of flowing postures, linked by the breath, which is the powerful connection at the heart of the discipline. The focus is on developing a daily physical practice to strengthen, purify and energise the body. This eventually leads to a steady, controlled mind and a healthy nervous system.

The Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga method in the tradition of K. Pattabhi Jois involves synchronising the breath with a progressive series of postures. Students learn postures in a fixed order using a special movement-breathing technique called 'vinyasa'. Vinyasa is the term for breath synchronised with movement. The vinyasa links the asanas together in the dance of the breath.

The breath is the essence and heart of this discipline and links posture to posture in a precise order. Asanas should be practised in the correct sequential order; the intention is for the practitioner to produce intense

internal heat and sweat to detoxify muscles and organs, which results in improved circulation and a light, strong body.

Practitioners also rediscover their full potential on all levels of human consciousness. Through proper breathing (ujjayi or breathing with sound), postures, gazing points (dristi) and locks (bandhas), the Ashtanga yoga practitioner gains control of the senses and a deep awareness of the self.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore Style Class Yoga for Beginners and all levels.

Beginners to Advance all students are welcome, and will guide you thoroughly through the beginning stages of the practice where conscious breathing, sun salutations right up to and breath, if your body permits, while acquiring basic knowledge of the physical and spiritual aspects of the practice.

It's often believed that Ashtanga yoga is not for beginners and that you'd need to be a seasoned yoga practitioner to sign up for a retreat. For a total newbie it may seem intimidating and impossible. However, we welcome all levels including beginners. Students enjoy the advantage of individual support and feedback in a Mysore style class, while still in a group setting.

You move at your own pace, while the teacher helps modify any of the postures that might be inaccessible, to suit your age, body type and fitness level. Just what a beginner yogi needs!

Ashtanga yoga is also a great way to experience the meditative side of yoga. It involves a consistent focus of the mind on the breath, the posture and the gaze which allows us to be focused in the present moment. Since we don't have to put our mind to deciding what asana to do next each day, and the series is more or less set, the practice becomes a moving meditation.

Lazy people can't practice Ashtanga Yoga Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

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Ashtanga Yoga Posture Clinic

In this class, you will learn to build a solid foundation within the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, Posture by Posture, we will be breaking down each asana. Students will be both lead by the teacher as well as challenged to be self-guided in segments of the practice to inspire the process of learning the sequence. In addition, will be given specific instructions on postural alignment, breath-based movement, postures of challenge, and further understanding of the internal benefits of the practice.

Daily Work shops

Full and new moon days are observed as yoga holidays in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition. What is the reasoning behind this?

Like all things of a watery nature (human beings are about 70% water), we are affected by the phases of the moon. The phases of the moon are determined by the moon’s relative position to the sun. Full moons occur when they are in opposition and new moons when they are in conjunction. Both sun and moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth. Their relative positions create different energetic experiences that can be compared to the breath cycle.

The full moon energy corresponds to the end of inhalation when the force of prana is greatest. This is an expansive, upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded.

The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation when the force of apana is greatest. Apana is a contracting, downward moving force that makes us feel calm and grounded, but dense and disinclined towards physical exertion.

Practicing Ashtanga Yoga over time makes us more attuned to natural cycles. Observing moon days is one way to recognize and honour the rhythms of nature so we can live in greater harmony with it.

Maya Devi Temple-Birth place of Lord Buddha

Is an ancient Buddhist temple situated at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lumbini, Nepal and very close to the Indo–Nepal border. It is the main temple at Lumbini, a site traditionally considered the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. The temple stands adjacent to a sacred pool (known as Puskarni) and a sacred garden. The archaeological remains at the site were previously dated to the third-century BCE brick buildings constructed by Ashoka.[1] A sixth-century BCE timber shrine was discovered in 2013.[2]

Eternal Peace Flame

Eternal peace flame is located at the southern end of the canal in Lumbini. It is one of the major attractions of the Lumbini garden. It was created in 1986 to celebrate the international year of peace. The flame was bought from the United States of America (USA) to promote peace and harmony among the nations as well as the global community.

What’s Included in the price

Kathmandu-Lumbini-Kathmandu flight, all transfers, Ashtanga yoga program, 1-day Lumbini visit, Accommodation, Brunch and dinner, water, teas and coffees, Syllabus and reading material.

Hotel Lumbini Palace Resort

The World Around Water

One of its kind experiences in Nepal.

Feel the mother nature with aquatic connection for your stay.

Serene Island Stay with a Touch of Luxury, set in the countryside where lifestyle is still in harmony with nature and culture, Lumbini Palace Resort offers the best of both worlds: laid-back countryside escapes. The birth place of Buddha. Discover the wonders of nature in combination with human effort in the most basic way of living. In the meantime, enjoy the luxury and comfort with a benchmark.

The Organic Hub

We focus on healthy products in our own organic farm. Our commitment to living the closest with nature begins from our agriculture unit that produces most of food for the entire resort.


Run with local involvement, farming is set on a spectacular open area on the back side of. The views of the farm horizons, tranquil green area add to the appeal as organic farm produce and freshly caught fish are among the delicacies on offer.

Inhouse Farm Vibe

Dining at Lumbini Palace is an experience with exceptional dining joints that reflect the resort’s opulence and specialty vibe. Generous spaces, open-air beach style sitting areas, roof top elegant dining zone and the unique cabins by lakeside invigorates you with aquatic aura. Savour our inspired menus which is highly influenced by our own inhouse farm produce.


Gently rising from water level around where hospitality comfort harmonizes with nature, accommodation facilities are best in class. Embrace our stunning surroundings, to bring you closer to the nature and its secrets. Light and bright, this new secluded sanctuary is the outstanding combination of water, agriculture and hospitality. Relax in a 100Sq Ft Twin Sharing room.


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